Jhanak Written Update 2nd March 2024 today

Jhanak written update today | upcoming story 

Hey peeps! 😎 So, Jhanak’s episode on March 2, 2024, kicked off with some serious kitchen drama. Ani, in an attempt to patch things up, tries to apologize to Jhanak. But guess what? She’s in full-on silent mode! 🤐

Bipasa, the peacemaker, jumps in and questions Ani about his apology mission. He spills the beans that he missed Jhanak’s call, hence the apology vibes. Bipasa, being the chill soul she is, tells him to ditch the guilt trip and whisks him away. Jhanak, on the side, mutters about Ani’s arrogance. Drama, drama, drama! 😅

Arshi, on the other hand, learns about Dada ji’s health scare. She rushes to the scene only to find out that Jhanak heroically saved the day. Plot twist: Arshi’s feeling a bit insecure now. Uh-oh! 😰

Cue Bipasa, who decides to play puppet master. She tries to mess with Arshi’s head, making her question Ani’s loyalty. The tension is real, folks! 😬

Fast forward to the next day – Ani’s on a roll! He signs a contract for a fashion show and wants Jhanak to be the star. Smooth move, Ani! 🌟 He spots Jhanak on the road, pulls over, and invites her into his car. Drama alert! 🚗

But Jhanak ain’t having it. She throws some serious “stay away” vibes Ani’s way. The suspense is killing us! 😱

Now, the burning questions: What’s Ani’s next move? Will his secrets spill out and hit the Basu family drama fan? Buckle up, folks – this rollercoaster is just getting started! 🎢✨

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